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Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Laptop ASUS N73SV-A1 17.3-Inch

* Spesifikasi Laptop ASUS N73SV-A1 17.3-Inch :

- Resolusi 1600 x 900 tampilan LED
- Didukung 2.0GHz processor Intel Quad Core i7-2630QM
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M 1GB kartu grafis
- Memori DDR3 RAM 6GB
- Sebuah 640GB hard drive
- Webcam 2.0-megapixel
- Blu-ray DVD Combo Drive
- card reader 5-in-1
- WiFi, Bluetooth, HDMI port, USB 3.0 port
- Baterai 6-sel
- Berjalan pada Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS
- Harga $ 1.299

Laptop HP EliteBook 8460p dan EliteBook 8560p

* Spesifikasi Laptop HP EliteBook 8460p dan EliteBook 8560p :

- Intel Core generasi kedua i3 / i5 / i7
- Intel Graphics HD 3000
- Kinerja tinggi AMD Radeon HD 6470M grafis
- Port USB 3.0 dan USB 2.0 port pengisian
- Memori DDR3 hingga 16GB
- Pilihan 750GB HDD atau 160GB SSD
- Drive Blu-ray
- Layar LED-backlit
- HD webcam
- Keyboard tahan tumpahan
- WiFi dan Bluetooth
- Baterai 9-cell
- Harga EliteBook 8460p $999 | EliteBook 8560p $1099.

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Nokia X3-02

Specifications Nokia X3-02 - Nokia X3-02. Cheap touchscreen phone with features WiFi, 3G and 5MP camera from Nokia is reportedly soon to be released within 1-2 months in Indonesia. Relying on the touch screen feature, 5 MP camera, 3G and WiFi, according to leaks mobile phone Nokia X3-02 Touch & Type will be priced at less than Rp 2 jt ..

Nokia X3-02 Image Image Provided frill Touch & Type of course because even offers touchscreen features, but the keypad functions remain included in the Nokia X3-02. It's also one other advantage of this mobile phone.

Based on leaked from someone claiming to people inside Nokia, X3-02 will be released 1-2 months. in October or November this year .. : D Besides Nokia X3-02, there will be two other phones as well that he said would release almost simultaneously. Nokia is the Nokia N8 and C7, are both types of smartphones. N8 dibanderol for USD 7-8 million while the C7 with a price of USD 3-4 billion ..

4G(fourth generation)

Now, technology has evolved from 3G to 4G, which are divided into 2 parts, including:


WLAN IEEE 802.11 is a system that has achieved throughput up to 54Mbps but is still limited to the service area which only reaches a few hundred yards (200-300 meters). On the other hand, the current cellular networks (such as CDMA2000 1x EV-DO) to cover services as far as several kilometers, but its cell throughput only reaches 2Mbps. Based on this, it is very essential to develop an innovative system which has high throughput and a wide range of services.

4G innovative new system uses different techniques than its predecessor, such as the use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing / multiple access (OFDM / OFDMA) and the antenna system with multiple input multiple output (MIMO). To support a variety of conditions, such as user mobility, both moving at high speed (mobile) or low speed (nomadic), the type of traffic (data or voice), or limit coverage (cellcentre / boundary), then developed techniques combine several multiple access (hybrid multiple access).

Candidates 4G-R the most powerful is the network technology based on the standard IEEE 802.16 and ETSI / HIPERMAN, known as the WiMAX network. This network standard being developed, from the earliest 802.16 which only supports access topology point-to-multipoint line of sight (PMP - LOS), which supports a mesh topology 802.16d non line of sight (NLOS-mesh), which supports the 802.16e mobility, to the last one is still running, 802.16j that support multi-hop mobile relay (mobile multihop relay-MMR) and 802.16m air interface that enables advanced data rate 100Mb / s for mobile applications (mobile application) and 1Gb / s for applications fixed (fixed application) in accordance with the requirements of IMT-Advanced. The development of this innovative 4G networks, especially in the Medium Access Control layer (MAC layer - L2) and physical layer (PHY layer - L1).

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Internet usefulness

The introduction of computer technology have a major impact on people's lives. As every year, the technology has many changes to be usable by all people. Major technological developments, will bring a great impact and it is also bad for the user. we do not even know how many existing technologies and develop from ancient times until now. it requires a fairly long process to develop an appropriate technology.

one of the technological developments in communications and information is the Internet. Internet is a network based on utility to search an information in the outside world with the help of a computer and modem online. at the present time, the internet is not foreign in our lives. even been developed into various cities. use of the Internet really has been very helpful for people to obtain information, to communicate, work, channeling his talent, looking for work, and so forth.

Lagu Terbaru : geisha - cinta dan benci

bagaimana cara membuatmu bahagia
nyaris ku menyerah jalani semua
tlah berbagai kata ku ungkap percuma
agar kau percaya cintaku berharga
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net
tak kuat ku menahanmu, mempertahankan cintaku
namun kau begitu saja, tak pernah merindu

sungguh aku tak bisa, sampai kapanpun tak bisa
membenci dirimu, sesungguhnya aku tak mampu
sulit untuk ku bisa, sangat sulit ku tak bisa
memisahkan segala cinta dan benci yang ku rasa

apa kau mengerti ku sedih sendiri
tanpa ada kamu ku merasa sepi

tlah lama ku menantimu, diam sendiri menunggu
setengah hati mencinta, ku sakit karenamu

repeat reff

woo ooo ku sakit karenamu

sungguh aku tak bisa, sampai kapanpun tak bisa
membenci dirimu, sesungguhnya aku tak mampu
sulit untuk ku bisa, sangat sulit ku tak bisa
memisahkan segala cinta dan benci

sungguh aku tak bisa membenci dirimu
sesungguhnya aku tak mampu
sungguh aku tak bisa, sampai kapanpun tak bisa
memisahkan segala cinta dan benci ooo
cinta dan benci ooo yang ku rasa

yang diatas adalah lirik lagu geisha terbaru, klo ingin download silahkan ke bagian lagu enak yang berada di bagian kanan blog..

selamat menikmati.....

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Chinese Astrology in 2011


Astrology in 2011

Why not have a look below to get a free forecast of what 2011, the Year of the Rabbit, holds for you! You’ll also find out what personal traits you need to let shine through the coming year!
If you're interested in reading your horoscope for the final three months of 2010, check out our Chinese Horoscopes for 2010 here.
First of all, take a look at our Chinese Astrology Year Table to see which sign you are.

picture of the Chinese Year of the Rabbit
The history of the Chinese Zodiac is very interesting! It is said that Buddha invited all of the animals in the world to join him for the New Year celebrations, but only 12 animals bothered to turn up. As a great reward, Buddha named a year after each one of them and they actually run in the order that the animals arrived to celebrate with Buddha, starting with the rat and ending with the last guest, the pig.

The Chinese believe that those born during a year of a particular animal would inherit some of the good and bad personality traits of that animal.
Also, each Chinese year is influenced by whatever animal it falls in. The Year of The Rabbit begins on February 3rd 2011. Most Rabbit years are quiet, positive and inspiring and 2011 looks to be heading in this direction – a refreshing change after the fast-moving and quite dramatic Year of the Tiger. Family, diplomacy and personal development will all be highlighted in 2011. Once again alternative sources of energy and green living will be under the spotlight. The arts and culture sector of society will very busy producing amazing works of art and staging important exhibitions throughout the year. Love, romance and family life are well-starred, with a renewed appreciation of loved ones and friends. Overall, it should be a fun and relatively peaceful year. Even though aggression, violence and war zones will still be in evidence, the Chinese Rabbit year favours peaceful solutions and diplomacy, so there will be a feeling that all is not lost and that hope is still very much alive.
Let’s take a look at each animal, their major personality traits and what the prospects are for 2011, the Year of the Rabbit.

Resep menbuat Mie sendiri

Ini resep saya dapet dari forum resepkita, yang diulas oleh sdr Yulie - Australia. Saya sendiri belom mencoba karena bahannya seperti air abu dan pewarna mie agak susah, ada mungkin tapi saya gak tau namanya disini apa. Kalau ada kedua bahan itu, saya akan buat dan update disini.

Bahan :

  • 250 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
  • 1 sdt air ki
  • 1/4 sdt garam
  • 1/4 sdt cmc (pengikat dari pati2an)
  • 100 ml air
  • 6 tetes pewarna kuning muda
Cara mengolahnya :
  • Dalam wadah plastik, aduk tepung, air ki, garam dan cmc.
  • Tambahkan air yang telah ditambah pewarna, aduk rata lalu gumpalkan.
  • Giling dengan gilingan mie dari ukuran terbesar sampai ukuran no.2 tiap ukuran gilingan, digiling 2-3 kali sampai licin.
  • Potong-potong menggunakan gilingan mie.
  • Tabur dengan tepung tapioka biar tidak lengket.
  • Rebus dalam air mendidih hingga matang, lalu angkat kemudian lumuri minyak goreng, aduk rata dan mie siap untuk diolah.

My Inspirasi: Web Based Training

My Inspirasi: Web Based Training



Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Pilihan atau Harapan??

Memang sulit membedakan mana yang pilihan atau mana yang harapan.kadang untuk menentukannya, kita harus berfikir dahulu sebelum bertindak. Pada dasarnya pilihan adalah suatu keputusan atau langkah yang diambil dengan mempertaruhkan segala resiko seperti diawali dengan kebaikan dan diakhiri dengan kekecewaan.saat itulah kita akan menyadari bahwa pilihan yang kita ambil tidak tepat disertai dengan penyesalan yang sangat mendalam.

mungkin harapan tidak beda jauh dengan pilihan , hanya saja harapan lebih tepat dengan impian, sesuatu yang ingin kita raih di masa yang akan datang . harapan itu bisa datang dari kemauan dan inspirasi. kadang kita berharap sesuatu yang bagus, tapi kadang harapan itu tidak akan terwujud sesuai dengan keinginan kita. bahkan kita tidak tahu knapa itu bisa terjadi. itu keberuntungan atau bukan adalah tergantung kita bagaimana berusaha semaksimal mungkin dan bedoa kepada tuhan yang maha esa.

because our choice should be based from the heart. expectations must be accompanied by prayer and effort. between options with the hope, not different, it's just how we believe....^_^